There is a certain magic to customised jewellery. Knowing that no one else in the world will be wearing your exact design and item is very special. Even though you may pay a little more, it’s no wonder people pay premium to get something completely bespoke.
When you have decided you wish to go in this direction, its best to find jewellers who know what they are doing. Finding experts in the design field is crucial and there are several professional jewellers in Brisbane.

However, finding expert jewellers who accept designs and creations from customers can be tricky. Not knowing where to look or who to trust to complete your design successfully can be tough. This is especially the case when designing customised engagement rings which usually carry a higher price tag and amount of sentimental value. This article contains some top tips for tracking down quality custom jewellery designers. That way you can be confident giving your design to someone knowing it’s in good hands.
Knowing Where to Find Top Custom Jewellery Designers
Check their design methods
Custom jewellery designers should have the latest computer technology to assist them in producing high quality pieces. Using the latest 3D software is also crucial in creating the final design that you will approve before it goes into the material creation phase.
Check their past designs
Custom jewellery designers should have a portfolio of products they have created. You should be able to have seen the process from drawing to final product. Seeing the full process from its inception will give you confidence that the designer you choose will do the same for you.
Check for testimonials
There should be several positive reviews for custom pieces. Have a look online and seek out word of mouth around the designer.
Talk to them in person
There’s no better way to build your confidence in a great designer then by visiting them in person. Write down some questions before centred around your own design and their methods.
Check their materials
Knowing they have the elements, gems, and manufacturing techniques available to complete your design is crucial. If you want all the finer details captured it’s important to get a detailed view into what they can do. Knowing how they will turn your ideas to life is a great starting point.
See if a relationship can be developed
Getting on good terms with your designer is crucial. Cultivating a good connection will help the designer get your style and vision. Knowing how to express your vision and personality within the jewellery design is a big part of completing it successfully. You’ll also want to gage what they can bring to the table in terms of feedback and ideas.